welcome to my sick and twisted minfd /ref

log date: 7-2-3333333^
today ive learned how to copy and paste this template to make my sight not look like dog water. it took me 15-20 minutes, i wish it haddent but it is what it is, thats how you learn how to do things. you dont know what youre doing and then, eventually, you grasp a fragment of a shadow of a consept of how to copy and paste a long block of text that you, still, only know two things about...

anyway, im really hyperfixating on this own websight thing. i really want to get good at code so i can make, like, the vision that im not seeing in my head bc i cant see stuff in my head like other people can.
i want there to be multaple tabs and stuff so it looks messy but like, a controlled type of mess. i have no idea how im gonna do it, but i am.

in other news--even though no one is going to look at this--here is a ist of what i want to do: